Battling Anxiety

This week has been a terrible one. Starting Monday I would find myself in the middle of the day crying in our walk in closet. I have so much to be grateful for yet I can’t shake this feeling of deep sadness. Crying it out helps & sometimes I imagine someone hugging me through the tears. I have also cried myself to sleep & fall asleep to the sound of my sobs.

This has all been new to me since my daughter has turned 1. I’ve had minor anxiety which I’ve been able to handle without meds but the past several months have been difficult. I’ve tried to get my husband on board to help me. I honestly believe he wants to help... but he is causing more harm than anything sometimes.

I’ll try to explain myself after we’ve had a fight. My anxiety, lack of sleep, etc causes me to break out in anger. Not towards him even if it comes across that way to him. I was apologizing to him today for a fight we had early this morning & I said it’s because I am sleep deprived. He replied,”I know you’re tired, but who isn’t” His words tore me to shreds.

Anyone going through a similar situation that he insight or words of encouragement? Thank you!