Was I really meant to be a mother?

I look back at how excited I was to be a mom when I was pregnant and I feel like a different person. I’m so tired and miserable all the time. I’m constantly asking my husband to come home from work early because I just can’t handle it on my own. My baby was doing ok but then suddenly stopped napping on his own for more than 20 minutes and now I barely get a break, and when I do have those 20 minutes I’m taking care of hygiene or cleaning the house or working on paying bills... I’m so tired. I used to be able to count on that tiny bit of time but now that I can’t life just feels so pointless and stupid. I finally felt like I was getting a handle on things and then everything changed. Now I wonder if I should’ve just stayed single and alone and never had a baby in the first place. I’m horrible. I have no patience, I’m constantly confused and conflicted about what to do, I hate not being able to just go somewhere and anytime I try to bring my baby somewhere he’s much fussier than he is at home. I’m just so frustrated and confused. I just want this time to end.