Insecure/anxiety with job


I’m a art teacher and I had my baby last September. Returned to work December. My schedule is very open. I have one morning class every other day and the other days only 4 classes.

Sometimes I leave during my available times to go home and feed or comfort my child. Sometimes I leave to comfort myself dealing with postpartum and anxiety.

I pump around the clock bc my supply is dropping and I’m starting to really freak out. I want to keep it up so I can still nurse. So when I pump I lock my door and stay in my room during my large breaks.

Lately I’ve been feeling like I’ll loose my job.

Nobody ever visits me in my class. The assistant headmaster never ever talks to me or replies to my emails.

I’ve felt a distance growing between some of my other directors and now I feel like I won’t be asked to teach next year.

I need words of encouragement. :(