Just need to vent😑

Okay so to start off I love my husband, I really do but he's different because he was raised Roman Catholic and doesn't know what is "normal" and acts like a jackass on some things towards women(like his dad does to his mom. But to the point...

So last month we got our taxes back and my husband took $3,000 of it (after he said we needed to save it for his lay-off season) and bought himself the pickup he wanted, I said NOTHING because he wanted it and I want him to be happy...

Well now I want to get a signature loan for 2,100$ to buy a cute little camper for this summer because I want one, we can both use and enjoy it for many years and I don't want to tent camp all summer while I'm huge and pregnant, and he flat ass just told me no, because "I don't want a camper" "I don't want to spend the money"

So I said I don't understand why when it's something YOU want you have NO issue spending the money but when it is something I want it's a fight.

So then he comes back in later and goes "if spending money is the only thing that makes you happy go get the f****n camper" which just makes me feel shitty and he's not getting the point!

Am I wrong here??