
Let me start off by saying so far I haven’t had any major complaints about my health care I have been given. We are a military family, so for OB we have to see family medicine residents that are assigned to us, unless you are considered high risk.

From the very beginning of my pregnancy I have completely disagreed with my due date. For no other reason that I wasn’t around my husband for a month due to the military during the time frame that they say she was conceived .But my doctor insisted that I wasn’t as far along as I said. Fast forward to now, when I’m supposed to be 32w6d based off of the due date I was given by my doctor.

So for the last couple visits my little one has measured 4 weeks ahead. (Which is about the timeline I thought I should be) so naturally my doctor sent me for a growth scan. I had my scan today and baby measured 36w2d, and is also frank breech. I’m scheduled for a visit with my doctor Friday, so I figured we’d make a plan of action then. Until she called me this evening. She said baby is measuring big and that they were moving my due date up, but apparently had no idea that she is Frank breech. At this point she freaks out and tells me I need to have a breech aversion by Wednesday because they absolutely can’t move her after that point she because she will be to big. Completely scares me to the point I’m not really even thinking straight. Next thing I know she’s calling me back about 5 mins later and had decided that she over reacted that that they where not going to move my due date at all and they would address little one being breech in 3-4 weeks.

I understand that babies can flip around on their own. So I guess my question is if my baby continues to grow at the rate she is, and doesn’t flip on her own, will she be to big for an aversion 3-4 weeks from now? Considering she would measure 39-40 weeks? I’m not scared of a C section, but I know a natural birth would be best. My doctor Insist that an aversion absolutely has to be done or attempted before they would even consider a C section, I’m just scared for the safety of my little one at that point. I can’t ask for another opinion or another doctor due to being military. So just looking for opinions on it all and what I should do!