anxiety and asthma


the past few days I have been having asthma exacerbations where I constantly feel out of breath and chest pressure. went to the hospital two days ago and they said might be my anxiety causing the pressure feeling, but is it really possible to only get one or two anxiety symptoms during asthma issues? I know usually when my asthma is acting up bad, or when I use my inhaler it can trigger my anxiety and panic attacks, but literally the only anxiety symptoms I'm getting with it are hyperventilating because my body tries to over correct, and chest pressure. I don't feel anxious really, and my BP is low except right after using my inhaler.any tips or incite would be greatly appreciated, as I have had to use my inhaler 12 times just today and yesterday. 8 of those were yesterday within 6 hours and I don't want to trigger my anxiety with this. sorry for the long post.