HPV discussions with my doctor

So with my last year pap came back abnormal with HPV. The only recommendaction was to continue to have yearly paps. With this year's pap it came back abnormal once again. The next step was to have a colposcony. Yesterday I had the appointment and while we were discussing what was going to happen and my medical history the nurse mentions how I've never had a nom abnormal pap...

I'm pretty young and have only had four paps in my life however I have only known about the HPV these last two paps. Im seriously confused to why the doctor would never let me know any of this prior. If I could have known earlier I feel like I would have carried myself much differently. Then we get to the actual point of the appointment with the colposcony. I only had two spots that didn't look to severe, having biopies taken from each spot. Now I know this is a common thing for women. However this still has me feeling violated?

Maybe that's not the best describing word, but it just has me feeling diseased/dirty.

I feel like I have grown a lot in the last four years but this has been weighing down on me. Not too much to say but wanting to know others thoughts on their experiences. Having a hard gaging on what to do.