☆!! Help me understand!!☆ need advice


ok Im 37+3. I have had 2 c sections in the past and so we are planning on another one because the risk of ruptured. I'm 36 years old with no major health issues. Only as of this week they have noticed a little protein in my urine. All that said, I've been having strong contractions that are 5mins or less apart. Been to L&D; 3x this week. Every time they give me fluids and meds to stop the contractions or slow them down. I'm now home miserable, I know join the club, having contractions but feel like it's pointless to keep going back to L&D.; What the hell are the Dr's waiting on? I will never dilate that's why I had the previous c-sec. My scheduled c-sec is for March 22nd but he is ready now. I really don't understand why we can't have it now and what im supposed to do cause they expect me to come in when I have these frequent contractions. Advice please!!!! I don't want to be drugged anymore to temporarily slow the contractions.