She’s here!


I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t cope with labour well at all! 🙈 I screamed loud enough at each contraction, im sure our neighbouring town heard me! Exhausted myself for 25 hours, had an epidural, which worked for an hour then came out, so had to have it re-done, all after my waters broke and my contractions were really harsh! There were some rough moments, some sad moments, a lot of tears (mainly from me!) but when it came down to it and I had to push, there was nothing for it. I pushed with everything I had for just under an hour and my girl came out in a splash of water for the midwife and a few little yells. Contented little thing and the most amazing gift right before Mother’s Day. Welcome to the world Harper Annie! You have no idea just how much you have changed my life for the better! My angel, my beauty, my everything! ❤️❤️