I’ve had bad days but this is like hell had opened up and swallowed me in it!

Gina_Mum of 🧒👧👦👼👼🐕

Friday I was so sick. I worked in an older person mental health ward n oh my god 33 degs no aircon in the office. I ate some chicken n avocado sandwich I saw in the window of zouki n the cafe lady reheated it then I needed some juice so I picked apple but then in the window I saw they had some juice thing like a smooothie with banana n guava etc and I thought ok that will sustain me a bit better so I swapped it. the nurse on my shift shook her head and said I don’t think u should have that kind of thing at 8 weeks it’s gonna really spin your tummy n I said nah I’ll be fine I’m an iron belly woman nothing spins it ... I went to get papers for the old ppl back at zouki got hit with the 33 degs heat and bloody hell I ran straight to the toilet. And it took me one hour to get home plus I had a pit stop to make for fuel. That afternoon I realised I’ve had shit in my life bad stuff gone through being beaten two years by a guy but that i must say is the worse day of my life. In my 31 years on this earth I’ve never experienced this n I’ve said I’m never going there again. I left my work at 4 n couldn’t continue my shift for the last half an hour. I prayed to god get me home god I’ve got aircon in my car but I was praying to be in our house upstairs with aircon n I said never again god if I could quit my job then and there, I would have. It was like hell had been unleashed on that day n I’d fallen right in and had no way out. I got home at 6 that afternoon threw on the cooling and I couldn’t cook I had to literally go and buy Nandos. I’ve never prayed so much in one day for it to end I mean I’ve never regretted even having life in my whole life but I came close. They asked me on an all day shift Tuesday till 4 there again but I’ve just called and cancelled and will avoid that area like a plague.