I cut my butt cheek

I am tired as hell and cannot even

I forced my tired self to take a shower. I forgot that I had my speaker on in my bathroom and was listening to an audiobook on YouTube. I guess the audiobook ended but the video was still going but there was no sound so I just forgot it was there. I'm that tired.

I just stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me.. not even this towel could save me.

Have you ever gotten such a jump scare that it's painful? Like make your chest hurt painful.

An add came on from YouTube and I jumped back so fucking hard I slipped on my bath mat and landed butt first on the side of my tub. People..

You wanna know what was there? My razor.

Cut up my left butt cheek real good.

This is how I die. Goodnight, 💤

PSA: i have a bandaid on my butt