HS Reunion Dilemma

My bf and I have been dating for just under a year. Since the beginning of the relationship he has known that I wanted marriage and a family. And he told me that he could see that in his future with me. But last week during a huge fight he admitted that he does not see himself having kids in the next 10 years. And today while shopping together a cashier asked if we were married and he responded very quickly with an emphatic “Oh nooooo.” In my heart I know I need to move on. But if I end this relationship I’ll be a 28 year old single girl with no kids and no Prince Charming in sight. And all those things my classmates/exes said about me, “Not being able to keep a man or being too driven to have a successful relationship” would be right. And I’ll have to look at those same classmates/exes smug “I told you so” faces at my upcoming 10 yr. HS reunion in June. The choice to not attend the reunion would be a no-brainer if I wasn’t on the reunion planning committee. When I signed up to be on the planning committee my bf and I were in a great place and I was excited to show him off to all those people who said I would be single forever because I’m “too difficult.” Most of my classmates are married with multiple children including the exes that said I would forever be alone. And now 3 months before the event I’m learning my bf sees no future with me. I’m a pretty rationale girl so I know the relationship is over but I’m also very sensitive with so many feelings and fears.

What would you do if you were me?

- End the relationship, attend the reunion (you helped plan) solo and endure the the “Dang girl you still single” inquiries?

- End the relationship and skip going to the reunion?

- Or play it cool and stay in the relationship until after the class reunion?