Sex, sex , sex


I'm 7 months pregnant with my second child. I am 23 years old . My son is a yer old. I want to spice up my husbands and I sex life but how ? I don't feel sexy at all :( I feel huge. I was gonna try to dress up but I feel like I

would look stupid in a sexy outfit 7 months preggo like I would look like I'm trying to hard.

Any tips, tricks ? Should I wear lingerie ? If so what would look best on a pregnant body ? I'm so sad . It's been about 9 months since I actually orgasmed bc when we have sex all I think about is how unattractive I am and how can he have sex w something like me .... WHAT SHOULD I DO ?

Last pregnant was not like this I felt beautiful. What's going on ? I just feel huge ?!!!!! Thanks in advance for any advice !