Wanting to leave

I have tried to leave my husband about 4 times now and each time I come back. The last time I still haven’t unpacked and I’m living out of packed bags. Every time I leave I remember that this will be my second failed marriage. My last marriage lasted 18 months and this one we are going on 9 months.

I know I need to leave because he has emotionally cheated at least 4 times, sending nude pictures, lies about talking to other women still-I caught him and screenshots the message, he’s lied about deleting messages, he’s still giving out his phone number, he refuses to let me see his phone out of principal he says, he refuses to see my family due to an argument with my dad he won’t talk about, he wasn’t there for me during my surgery when I am an eptopic pregnancy. I have so much anger towards him right now that I don’t even want to be around him.

How do I get the courage to leave? I do love him but I know this will never work.