How do you deal with depression while pregnant?

Hey all I'm 19w pregnant. I got pregnant before I planned to leave my bf. He doesn't not respect me his friends selling weed and video games and spending money on his car are more important. has anger issues that scare me doesn't like to listen o anyone except himself doesn't let me have my own friends without freaking out and controlling me doesn't care for our daughters well being and smokes in the house (weed). I am moving out this week and going to live with my mom in Maine (live in New Jersey) and have been depressed because of this lately. Thought we can work it out and said he would make it work and put his effort in but things went right back to the way they were. I look at him and just start crying. And the thought of leaving also makes me upset because I love him but I know doing this is better for both me and my daughter. How do you go about depression while your pregnant? I am trying to remain calm so I don't stress myself out anymore then this will be leaving.

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