

Hey ladies! So my husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 5 months now. I know that’s not anything compared to a lot of you on here who have struggled for much longer. About 10 months ago my neurologist put me on birth control to put me on certain medications to help with my headaches. After 3 months of being on it, we decided to discontinue that and try to get pregnant. Ever since my periods have been all over the place and I have started to get two periods a month (yes, full blown periods 😭) I have an appointment with my OB on the 21st because since I have been off the birth control, I haven’t ovulated. They keep telling me it takes a few months, but it’s been almost 5 and still nothing. Anything that I can take OTC to help regulate my periods or to help with ovulation? I’ve been taking Premama Fertility for a few months and it hasn’t helped me ovulate or regulate my cycles. I’ve heard of Vitex and have considered it, but not sure how it compares? Any input would be much appreciated! 💗 Baby dust to all ✨