
Hi hi! My husband & I have been having unprotected sex for 3 years. We've always wanted to get pregnant but my cycles were super irregular. Back then I was 25lbs heavier and my doctor said It I were to conceive it would be high risk because I was overweight however my estrogen levels were normal. Since then I've lost the weight(25lbs). I have never been pregnant but I think I am now! My last cycle was Feb 11, 2018. My cycle length is 35 days. I have been getting waves of nausea the past couple of days along with extremely tender and sore nipples as well as my boobs. I'm also cramping a lot as if I'm on my period but I'm not. & I crave food all day long! My scheduled period in the <a href="">GLOW app</a> is for Monday, March 18th. I'm really scared to test because I have in the past multiple times when I thought I was pregnant and they were all negatives. This time I have been tracking my ovulation and had sex on my ovulation date. Please give me words of encouragement and signs others have had!!! If I am pregnant today that would make me 4weeks & 1 day!