Husband help

My husband and I have a toddler and I find most days we are at odds over life in general.

Today we had a nice evening planned and while im washing dishes he says something (can’t remember what cause I saw red but it wasntven bad) and I told him to stop and he said I’m kidding. Why can’t I joke and I told him cause I’m hormonal and it anniyed me. He did something else (can’t remember.) and I lost it and left the kitchen.

Then after he told me that I flipped out over nothing and I said because I’m tired and sore and when he pokes at me it annoys me.

Now our nice night is soured caused I’m oisssd and he is pissed.

Anyone eles husband do this? It’s like he is clueless about hormones and when I saw I am he says I use it as an excuse