What's going on miscarriage(s) ???

I just had my son 3 months ago. I haven't gotten a period yet since I just had a baby. 2 weeks ago I got pink spotting been having light cramps getting all the signs of pregnancy. I'm still getting faint lines so I got the pregnancy strips. And there's no line... since my lines were faint I second guessed if I was pregnant but I have a gut like I did with my son but I was around 5-6 weeks pregnant when I found out.. so when

I started feeling pregnancy symptoms is when it was couple weeks after having my baby. I was getting everything I just knew I was. I was having faint lines. I go to the ob and hcg is 2.( he explained these aren't left over hcg from my previous pregnancy) I had no spotting just a lot of pain and I thought my period was coming and it didn't

so I wanted a second opinion... my hcg was in the negative... so I think I had a early miscarriage without me knowing?

That week I had sex again (were not trying.. we had our son 3 months ago and it was a stillbirth at 39 weeks)

We're still healing...

Then Again I felt pregnant sleeping in way to much taking naps way to much I'm sick I smell things and I get sick I'm spotting , cramping when I mean sleeping I mean I'm dead the entire day my hubby is starting to get upset because I stopped doing things around the house. I'm taking test FAINT LINES clearblue really shows a line that's noticeable but faint .. pink dye there's always a white line

so I thought hey! I'll order test strips since they're "more sensitive early in pregnancy" yesterday I took one nothing the next day I think I saw something sent it to my mom she saw it but it was so so so faint like not noticeable but it was there I'm starting to second guess if I am from all these test I'm taking..... I got brown discharge a couple days ago..(old blood) and spotted again light pink on toilet paper like I had with my son.

Now I'm getting discharge discharge like brown and feels like it's my period I go to the bathroom and it's just tons of brown discharge. Now for the past 3-1 days I've been getting this discharge then I'm seeing my lining shedding? I had it before it was way more linking like a miscarriage I think? I know I'm pregnant I just know there's lines on test faint or dark a line is a line... but why am I not getting BFP by now?? And I will go to the ob if the test get dark if they don't then I'm not going.... sorry for the nasty ass picture 😏 just curious what's your opinion on all this because nobody can explain it to me.