Post-Abortion Attachment— Just needing to vent.

Destini • Social Worker. Therapist. Dog mom. Pro-choice chooser. Fiancé. Realist.

So, I had a medical abortion on 2.24.18 and the guy who got me pregnant isn’t my boyfriend but he was very supportive of my decision the entire way through. (He didn’t really want to get an abortion, but I did so he went with what I wanted.) He took me to the appointment, he cared for me during the actual miscarriage/expulsion phase, he checked on me & wanted to know about my post-care, and we still spend a nice amount of time with each other too. We don’t really talk much about the abortion, we’ve only discussed it once and in that conversation he told me “next time we get pregnant we’re not going through this again.” on top of him confessing that he actually wants to have me in his future, and that was that. Now all I do is think about him and our could’ve been-baby. When I got the abortion I knew that was what I wanted to do but now I think back and wonder if I made the right choice. I never wanted to have children out of wedlock, or just be someone’s baby mama, but now it seems like all I see and hear are pregnancy announcements, gender reveals, and all I can think is “that could’ve been me. We could’ve been happy like that. I probably would’ve been a good mom.” But I think I only feel that way because of how he cared for me during a time when I so nervous and so lonely. Not because of the growth in our relationship, but simply because I was once carrying his child.😔

I feel like my emotions have been out-of-whack since I found out I was pregnant & got the abortion...

Plus, this is something I haven’t shared with anyone. The only person who knows I experienced pregnancy/abortion is the man who impregnated me... I really need to talk about it so I can process it all because I know that I still haven’t. #JustAVentPost