Low HCG levels

Kari • 36🙎🏻‍♀️ & 47🙎🏼‍♂️ /💍 2009 / Together 10years! Stepmom 2009 / Bio 👶🏻2016 / 👼🏻03/2018 👼🏻08/2018 /TTC W/ PCOS

Was in the hospital at 10dpo for spotting and cramping with HCG levels at 19.

Repeat labs at 16dpo was only 33.

TV ultrasound today shows nothing yet at 19dpo (which I guess translates to 4wks 4days?)

Had repeat labs today and waiting for the results. Doctor is not optimistic and told me not to get my hopes up.

Said that the levels are not going up the way he would want for a healthy pregnancy.

I’m so worried, anyone have low HCG levels and still have a healthy pregnancy?