A little help?

Xig • In the honourable words of Howard Moon - "I`m the fighter, you little tit-box."

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

I became a new mum in December Alhamdulillah. I must have anticipated every hardship other than that of deen. I didn’t expect to struggle with my imaan. For some reason, it didn’t even occur to me that my ibadah would be affected - how difficult just salah becomes, never mind extras like tahajjud. I don’t have a minute to myself and because Alhamdulillah I am breastfeeding, baby is pretty much glued to me.

Can anyone offer some advice? How do I stay connected to Allah Ta’ala when I don’t even get a moment to think? How do I concentrate in salah when my baby is crying his little heart out?

JazakAllah khair 😘