What would you do😒

Would you return the gifts that were given to you for your unborn baby by a family member because of their choices?

Long story short. My super close cousin became friends with my fiancés ex girlfriend whom she would talk about. She can be friends with whomever she wants but this bitch (fiancés ex) talks about our unborn baby. I am not mad at my cousin for choosing poor friends BUT i do REFUSE to talk to her or be around her. We both blocked her on all social media. But she did buy alot of baby stuff for my baby. Would you all return the gifts? I want NOTHING to do with my cousin or anyone who is friends with my fiancés ex. All our mutual friends got deleted too.

Thanks for your opinions. Im not mad that she talks to her. Im just not gonna talk to her period. When someone talks about her kid im the first one to defend. Im just thinking about returning all the gifts since she decided to also make up rumors about my fiance and I. I just dont want to deal with her telling people that she bought us alot of stuff and twisting things like she always does etc.