Problems with my sister , she’s 27 and I’m 21

My sister waited 8 years before getting married , and I was only with my husband for 7 months before we got married. We did it out of the bloom and got married at the courthouse. But anyways She was trying to have a baby but is infertile but now I’m pregnant and whenever something happens in the family. She’s always saying well I have no say about any situations on what my family affairs go through especially since I’m the one that rushes everything, and got married at a young age. So I don’t have any good advices or should be giving any out, and I don’t really know that I love my husband because I barely know him until I’ve been with him for awhile , and she’s always saying how I should’ve waited to get pregnant and how I don’t know how much kids really are, or I am not prepared and saying all these horrible things just because I’m in college and haven’t finished. But My husband and I are in a great place and we don’t struggle with money, we have savings and aren’t worried about our marriage or going to have a rough time with our kid when it’s born (financially). I just feel like I can’t really talk to her or else she brings me down and talks shit about my husband and I , when I never do with her, and all my family says is get over with it , it shouldn’t bother u. They even see the messages and how she acts but they say just ignore it. But it does bother me especially since I’ve barely got to know her the past 4 years since she lived with her dad, so she never grew up with us. Any suggestions? Even if I talk to her, she denies ever saying any of these things. Even if I say it hurts me she’s always like well I never said that so I have no idea what u want out of me, ever since we met, she’s always had a problem with me and bringing me down, but with my other sister and brother she’s nice and does things for them. It’s so frustrating, and I can’t really talk her out of my life, she’s at every family event , so it would be hard to avoid her even though I don’t really want to see her, or have her negative input in it.