rant of the day


hope i posted this in the right area. Alrighty. I just want to get this off my chest. I am so tired of people attacking young parents for raising brats. I'm tired of being told I'm spoiling my son rotten or seeing other women be told that or that they need to learn to teach their kids better and they are whats wrong with society. News flash 42 year old Debra from Kansas City, you DO realize your generation raised the kids who are currently eating tide pods, robbing stores, and shooting up schools right? I am a bad mom because my 2 year can be a little bratty sometimes and will throw a fit in the middle of the toy store if you tell him no (CAUSE HE IS TWO) but you're a saint and "know how to raise adults" when its your generation that raised these idiots slapping "trump is not my president" bumper stickers on their car and screaming when they don't like something? Okay. I'll buy my two year old as many toys as I want. I'll sit next to him as he throws his fit. And I'll try my best to raise him better than you raised yours, maybe he will be smart enough to not eat laundry detergent. 🤷🤷🤷