Nervous about announcing

I’m telling my parents that I’m pregnant next week. My husband and I are both very excited about our coming baby. But my parents are the type of people that are never impressed by anything and can always find at least one negative thing to say about even the happiest situation.

I honestly don’t know if they will even be happy about it and the idea of making the happiest announcement of my life and being met with a frown or just poker faces gives me horrible anxiety. It’s to the point where I couldn’t even get motivated to do anything cutesy to announce to them. I just want to get it over with so I can then go on to announce to my husband’s family who we know will have nothing but joy and excitement over our news.

For my parents I just got a T-shirt that asks if the shirt makes me look pregnant. I just want make plans with them one night or stop by their house and just be wearing it. Not exactly exciting but I just can’t handle the potential let down of going through with an elaborate announcement only to get a bored or negative reaction.

For his family I got a giant easter egg to fill with baby stuff and our ultrasound picture for his mom to find during the family easter egg hunts.

It’ll be obvious which one I put more planning into and will probably hurt my parents’ feelings even if they do have a negative reaction. Basically I won’t do anything right by them no matter what. It’s always that way with any life decisions I make...

How should I handle them if they are negative or if they get angry when they see how much more thought I put into my announcement to my inlaws? And please don’t tell me to cut them out of my or my child’s life. I want to be the bigger person here, not turn into my mother.