I'm so jealous


I have a friend we will call her V. V is 17 and her new fiance M are having their baby on Thursday. She is about 3 weeks ahead of me (I'm 37 weeks and she will be 41 on Friday). So she will be getting induced. V is so scared she doesn't want an epidural, but they recommended it because I guess induction contractions are the worst.

She told me though she's jealous that at 35 weeks and 6 days I went into early labour. (I'm still having mild contractions.)She said she wanted to have a natural birth. I told her every pregnancy is different.

She is also the type to be so scared of things she researches them and then gets herself worked up. Then shJe works me up when I tell her it's probably not that bad. Like she told me if I spin around in my office chair my baby will throw up inside me and maybe get harmed. I told her she drink in amniotic fluid if she throws up I think she'll be okay.

That was off topic but I jealous she gets to meet her little man first. I honestly want my baby girl to be here. I just had a full blown Convo with her and she was moving around. I guess that means she's listening.

Does anyone have words of encouragement for not only me but my friend V who definitely needs it. I think she needs it.