12 Week scan..Unexpected News!!

Hunter Ann • 10/02/18 Tucker Taylor 💙

Hello everyone, I am 23 and my husband is 26. We are currently 12 weeks and 2 days with our first baby! We are so incredibly excited and overjoyed. But yesterday we were awaiting the results of the genetic testing (Non-invasive prenatal testing dong through Progenity) We thought we are young i’m sure they baby is fine we just wanted to find out the gender. I personally, unless i’m over the age of 35 will not be doing the NiPT again and here is why.

We received a phone call at 8 in the morning and my nurse said “We got your results in, could you be available tomorrow at 9:30 to discuss them with the Dr?” Ofcourse i said yes and was caught off guard so i didn’t even think to ask questions. I was sitting with my husband and we were silent and terrified. Neither of us knew what to say, I go to the broacher we got from Progenity and i begin reading frontwards and backwards. It claims to be 99% accurate. So i’m thinking whatever it is we will get through it. Because the results must be accurate. (i call the nurse and asked if there was anything that she could tell us to prepare us for tomorrow, and we ended up with the 2:00 opening that day.)

We met with our Doctor and he told us that our baby has a 39% chance of having Down Syndrome. We have decided to not do an amnio, and just let God be. I understand we could find out for sure, but will not risk the 1:200 chance that the amnio can cause a miscarriage. So my confusion is for a test to be 99% accurate why does is come back saying a second percentage of possibility for our baby? I am now constantly worrying does our little boy have downs. Again i know i can do a amnio and know for sure, but that is just not a risk i’m willing to take. I wish we had waited to find out the gender, the NiPT is not a test to find out the gender, though it will tell you there is much more too it. If it doesn’t matter to you how your baby comes out then just wait, because getting a percentage of a possibility is not worth it.

My husband and I are keeping the gender a secret, but I can introduce to y’all Mr. Tucker Taylor Newcomb