26 hours of labor. So worth it.


I loved reading birth stories while I was pregnant. So here’s mine. ❤️ March 19 2018 I was set to be induced at 7 in the morning. We get there, get into a room, and while I’m using the bathroom, the nurse comes in and says I’m sorry but we were expecting you at 8 am and your doctor didn’t let us know of the time change. So they ended up putting me in a triage exam room. They were extremely busy the entire time. They gave me cytotec to start softening my cervix, I was only a fingertip dilated. I wasn’t contracting or having any pains at all. So I wasn’t too concerned. Just bored waiting to get this show on the road. While they were getting ready to start clearing and discharging some rooms, the entire hospitals systems went down. Which meant they couldn’t discharge anyone, and And that the baby’s heartbeat monitor had to be turned on full blast because they weren’t able to monitor them from the nurses station. Which also meant they couldn’t induce me when planned. Since they couldn’t give me pitocin because of the face of them not be able to monitor baby When they finally got a room cleared for me at 3 pm, I had to wait for the system to come back up. The system finally came back up at 6:30 pm right when the doctor got there and he checked and I was only barely at a 2. I knew it was going to be a long night. He decided to break my water. (Grossest feeling ever) Doctor told me if I wanted the epidural it would be best to get it earlier than later because it usually takes about an hour for the anesthesiologist to get there. So I went ahead and requested it since I knew contractions generally got worse after the doctor breaking my water. I started progressing a little faster but not much. At 10 pm I was only at a 3. They turned up the pitocin. So once midnight hit, I was at a 6. Yay things were going faster. I started dilating about a cm an hour. At about 4:30 am I kept having the urge to poop. So my husband went and got the nurse and I was at an 8. By 4:45 am I was at a 9. And at 5 am I was at 9 1/2. The doctor was doing a c section at the time and he finally finished at 6:30 am. I was ready to push. I pressed the epidural button to ensure it wouldn’t wear off while I was pushing. His nurse comes in to do some practice pushes to help baby move down in the birth canal. I was having a rough time simply because i didn’t know what I was pushing. So when the doctor came in he decided to turn down the epidural so I knew what I was doing. He felt baby all around and when he checked his head was right there. He said I could definitely be able to push my son out. After an hour he said he needed to leave for a meeting and that his nurse would take over. I started to push right but he was just too comfy and would go right back in. She then got ahold of the other on call doctor who came in. At this point my epidural had definitely worn off and I was feeling all the contractions. Which feel like you’re holding in a giant poop. It hurts 💔 he tried so many times but my son just did not want to come down more. So he ended up getting the vacuum. He got it attached to his head and gave me 3 separate tries. At this point it had already been 2 hours. He said if he still didn’t want to come, then they would move me to the OR for a c section :( that was the last thing I wanted to do. But I had absolutely no more energy. I fell asleep on the way to the OR and only woke up when I heard my sweet baby boy crying. Daddy was crying too. I knew everything was finally over and I could have my sweet boy in my arms. Afterwards the 2nd doctor who did my c section said there was no way I could have been able to push him out. I’m not sure why either. I begged to be up and walking within a couple of hours and they finally gave me the go ahead and I feel great. My abdomen is just terribly sore from all the pushing I had to do. The incision isn’t even sore. Meet Carson John born Monday March 20th at 8:45 am❤️ 8lbs 8oz 20 inches long.