Baby daddy delivered our baby!


38+4 and I was majorly frustrated of being pregnant! Long story short..

Went to my 38 week app, told my LG measured the same as she did at my 36w app. Sent for a scan two days later, baby had stopped growing, mainly her legs. Back to the hospital next morning for a decision to be made on what happens next. Doctor decided to do the membrane sweep there and then, if no baby 4 days after I would be booked to be induced at 39+3. Baby was already 2cm dilated! Sweep at 10.30am - contractions start at 12.30pm same day. Timing 6-9 minutes apart. Unsure if I was actually in Labor and with the hospital 30 minutes away I kept ringing to ask what I should do. Told to stay at home of course until 4 minutes apart and bath so I did debating on washing my hair😂 but I did anyway and dried, curled, left my makeup how it was! 💁🏼‍♀️

Half 5 and I lost my plug, contractions suddenly went from 9 to 3 mins apart with increased pain!! Told my partners parents I need to go now! Almost an hour to get there stuck in traffic (typical) biting my tongue with every contraction😖 my partner who was at work all day, finnished at 5.30, told him to rush straight to hospital only being 10 minutes away from him. Sent straight to an examination room before I was given a delivery room. Sat for 30 minutes being monitored, told midwife I had to pusih at 7pm but she never believed me and said I needed to stay where I was before we all knew how low baby’s head was! 7cm, within those 5 minutes of being told I was 7cm and walking to the delivery room. Bath started running for water birth, given gas and air but after two tokes of that, standing beside my bed I felt a sudden urge to push!! My waters broke, panicked and told my partner to quickly pull my leggings/pants down as I could feel the head coming!! He pushed emergency button, midwife ran in and saw head and ran back out the room. As soon as she left, the whole body came out in one from waters breaking, head to toe and my partner was luckily stood behind me and caught our baby 👶 everyone ran in the room with shocked faces at how fast it all happened and quickly I fully dilated.

Harley-Rose 5lb 15oz 7.14pm 💜