UK induction process

Georgia • 💙 23 March 2018 💙 11 September 2020 🇬🇧

Just thought I would write a post to share what happens during the induction process in the UK incase any expectant mums were wondering or are due to be induced.

So they insert a pessary which can be in for up to 30 hours to try to bring on contractions, or change your cervix enough so that they can manually break your waters. After this, if there is no change, the body needs a 24 hour break. Then a second pessary will be inserted for a further 24 hours. If there is no joy after this you will be booked in for a c section.

I came in to be induced on Monday, out of the 4 ladies (including me) on my ward being induced 3 went into labour that afternoon and had their babies by the next morning. Yesterday 3 new women came in to be induced, and 2 of those had their babies last night, the other lady’s contractions keep stopping and starting.

I didn’t get any contractions, I had tightenings but not regular enough and didn’t need any pain relief. And after another internal exam my cervix has not changed at all! So I’m now on my rest day and the second one goes in at 5pm! Fingers crossed it works! 🤞🏼

My advice to anyone who is due to be induced is pack an extra bag, even if it’s left in the car, with changes of clothes for you, especially underwear as you have a lot of vaginal examinations so you’l probably want to change at least twice a day. Also be prepared for a long wait! Hopefully you’l be lucky and your body will take to the hormone, but there’s every chance you could be like me and feel like Rachel from Friends watching all these women having their babies before you! 😂