Advice please!

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐱 🐕 🌎 💘

Okay so I am on the birth control pill where you take the weeks break to get your period. So I finish the pill as normal on Thursday last week and period comes on Monday only this time it never came so I thought right I'll wait until Tuesday. Nope still not here so I took a test and no surprise it's negative (me and hubby haven't had sex in a few month due to my health) There has been some sort of sign that it should be here as twice when I have wiped there has been minimal blood but other than that nothing! Anyone have any insight as to why it hasn't appeared. It has always been clockwork especially with me being on the pill and I have NEVER been late! Even when I found out I was pregnant I had tested before it was due. Any insight would be appreciated.