Could I be pregnant ?


So my hubby & I were TTC for about 5 months. We stopped bcs we didn’t have any success. This month, something different has happened. Last month my AF was on the 19th. This month, it was due on the 20th. Instead, on the 19th, I have FULL BLOWN cramps as if I was already starting my AF or it was a heavy flow day. I kept checking, but nothing was there 🤦🏾‍♀️. The next day (the day AF was due) I had no signs of it. No cramping or anything. Then before I took a nap, I wiped & there was a light pink spot. I was for sure my period was coming. Once I woke up & used the restroom, there was nothing there anymore 🤷🏾‍♀️. According to this app I’m only 2 days late but I have a strong feeling that I’m pregnant. After ovulation, I got my regular symptoms, but I noticed I’ve had sore nipples still & I’ve also had nausea lately. Could I be pregnant?