Emotionally coping or rather, not coping!!


Hi ladies, how are you all doing? I’m not doing very well at all! I felt the need to share this because for too long I’ve been getting up, doing what I have to in terms of cyclogest, ovulation sticks etc. going to work, coming home and doing all the usual things that need to be done then relaxing (trying to) with my hubbie and timing BD a lot which has been hard going on us and then more cyclogest and a restless nights sleep caused by all my infertility fears. This week I’ve been off work and realized I’m not able to keep it all up! I can no longer, nor do I want to pretend I’m coping! I find it so unfair that some of us carry guilt for not coping with how hard this all really is. I carry guilt for being infertile without assistance of drugs, I carry guilt that I can’t easily give myself and my husband the child we long for. I worry because I don’t know if I ever will, I worry because I don’t know how I’ll keep doing all of this without having some sort of breakdown!! I’ve learned this week that it’s ok if I don’t want to be ok every day, that I can cry my eyes out, be miserable about the whole thing. But, I will continue to dust myself off and give this everything I can to make sure I one day have the family I long for. We all will ❤️