Does she have epilepsy?

Kim • Momma to Lucii and Enzo💜💙 ● Single Mommy

So Monday evening Lucii was looking out the door and made a weird grunting sound. She walked up to mom and wanted her to pick her up. She immediately laid her head down and began to fall asleep and seconds following that she vomited on my mom's shirt (a lot). My mom sat her up straight and turned her around to make sure she was done and her lips began to turn blue. She became limp and unresponsive. All we could do was panic. This same exact thing happened to her when she was 4 months old. We called 911 and tried to patiently wait. This lasted longer than 10 minutes. Once the paramedics arrived she looked really pale and washed out. She still wasn't acting like herself but she could sit up on her own. If anyone has been through this or knows what this could be plz don't hesitate to reply!