So emotional, picking fights, frustrated and sad


Im 5 weeks 2 days, and I wish I was excited about this pregnancy. I was for a brief period, but my boyfriend is NOT at all. We have only been together 3 months, and it’s been wonderful up until this. We weren’t trying, but we were carelsss and even joking about how nice it would be if it happened, because we both felt that we finally found the right person. We are both 34 with decent jobs, and I know that if pregnancy is going to happen naturally for me - the time has to be now.

When I told him I was pregnant, he said he wanted me to get an abortion, and offered to pay and did the research on what would happen. It’s been awkward and we haven’t been communicating as much. He’s not staying here as much as he was, and even after I talked to him about how I felt about having the baby, he seemed to come around a bit .... but now is talking about still living separately (we each own our own home). He’s told me that he doesn’t want to lose me, and that he’s worried about our relationship. He thinks we’re still too new to do this, and that’s why he’s not sure that will last through something like this. Also, I am getting the impression he’s freaking out about losing himself and his independence.

His actions are making me a crazy person, because I’m already so emotional to begin with. I feel like I’m unable to let things go, and I’m just picking fights and making it so much worse. I sit and dwell on it all the time, and can’t get out of my head. I just don’t know what to do.