cannot have sex with my husband


my husband and I have been together 11 years, we have a 4 year old and a 5 month old. our sex like is pretty much non existent. I cannot force myself to touch him, or even do anything sexual with him. I do admit my sex drive has never been high at all, but majority of it is because I don't feel loved. he is very non emotional and doesn't Express feelings, never says nothing nice, honestly never even touches me or even sits next to me rather... don't get me wrong he's and excellent man and father and works hard to support us, never laid hands on me has never called me a bad name, never says anything hurtful to me ... but... that passion is gone. he says I'm grouchy all the time. and yes I am it's hard not to be when I don't even feel like most days he even likes me. I know you guys are strangers. but honestly just need some advise or words of encouragement. I love this man and I know he does love me but it's hard having to question it everyday when he can't show me he does. we are only 26 Its not like we are old...