Have I reacted to my boyfriend lying the right way?


I have been with my boyfriend for nine months.

Last night he admitted to lying to me about me being his “first” in everything, and told me everything he’d done in past relationships. I honestly don’t care about his past relationships— I’ve dated people who have done WAAAY more and not cared at all.

I’m just upset that he has been lying to me for nine months, making me think one thing when the reality was entirely different the whole time. I’d specifically ask him things like “oh was she your ex?” or “you really haven’t sent nudes before?” just wanting to be transparent about our pasts, because I have been about mine, and he has ALWAYS answered “no/he hasn’t”, when the answer has apparently always been “yes”.

So, I’ve told him that I understand why he did it (I really do believe he loved me enough to want me to think that I had a fairytale romance where we were each others’ firsts) but that if he ever lies to me again about something there’s really zero reason to lie about, then I’m leaving.

Is this fair? Have I been too harsh/not harsh enough? Anyone dealt with anything similar?

All help is super appreciated :)