Husband!! 😤🤯🤪🤬 **Update**

Courtney • Wife to💍Superman, Mom of 5 💙💚💜🧡🐶🐱🐱

Why is it EVERYTIME I want to go somewhere by myself literally a 30 min trip by myself I can't go ANYWHERE without him and the kids tagging along??? I am a SAHM with 3 kids and 1 on the way, I don't get to get out of the house much besides on the weekends, but even when I just want to go to get some groceries I can't. It's like he wants family time when grocery shopping, well I DON'T!! I want to be alone for 30min to an hour! I don't get adult interaction util he gets home from work! I just don't understand how he doesn't understand how it's so secluding for me to just be with the kids ALL the time! Don't get me wrong I enjoy the family time but NOT at the damn grocery store!

Any other mom's deal with this?

**So apparently I need to update this...***

We have been together for 4+ years, married 3+ years I have always needed alone time rather it was in the beginning or now, he has known this. As many people have said, talk to him... I have talked till I'm blue in the face,, my mom has talked to him and his mom has talked to him. None of us are sure why he has yet to understand it. He also isn't afraid of being home with the kids he's done it when I've been sick or different times. He's taken them out by himself too.

Before I had our daughter (3/2016) I worked as an RN full time then quit to be home with all 3 kids because let's face it childcare is EXPENSIVE and I felt I was missing out on things. So at least when I was working I got some alone time. I will say this this past Monday (3/26) I had a breakdown/anxiety attack (never had one before) of miserable proportions (not going into details) to where my mom came from her job to make sure I was ok. When he got home I was still somewhat distraught and he asked about my day to which I told him everything. He then started to tear up some and it was like a small lightbulb went off in his head. I haven't tried to leave the house yet since but will try to here shortly.

Thank you to all of you ladies who gave such support and encouragement with ideas included! I appreciated every single one! We all need some "me time" no matter if it's 10 min or 2hrs! ❤️