My baby saved my life- no really she did


Everything happens for a reason and in God’s timing....

I cannot believe Everleigh was born 4 1/2 days

ago... time is already flying. The past couple of days, I’ve been thinking about where I would’ve been if I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant. I moved out at 17 because I was already in my second semester of my freshman year in college. I had a full time job and was doing well. In May of 2017, I started partying and hanging out with the wrong crowd. I ended up getting raped because I started escorting. It weighed so heavily on me, I just kept partying to try to numb the hurt that was going on- something that I did all the time. I finally couldn’t take it any more, so on June 7th, I tried to take my life. Luckily I am still here, but I was still spiraling downward. A month after I got out of the hospital, July 16th, I found out I was pregnant. Everleigh’s Dad left when I was 8 weeks along, but my family stepped in and supported me my whole pregnancy.

My relationship with Jesus was also something that I couldn’t have gone without. Throughout my whole life, my relationship with Jesus has been off and I know that Jesus allowed me to conceive Everleigh in order to save my life. My relationship has been stronger than it ever has before. I am so much happier- even though I’m exhausted. I am so much healthier. I feel like a completely different person. I feel renewed, I feel relaxed and I feel free from my past.

Here’s to a new and amazing adventure filled life🛫