I really don't think I can go much longer!

Amy • Mother to Rowan and koda 🌈 🦋 anencephaly awareness 💚

From when I found out I was pregnant the EDD was 3/15/18 then we found out he implanted late and I was quoted 3/27/18! It's the 24th and I am soooo impatient. I just can't take being pregnant anymore. I want to meet my baby boy and I want to be done with this pregnancy. It's been nothing but hardship and complications. We lost our last baby to anencephaly and (with a two month break in between) I've been pregnant since February of last year! Anyone else right at the end and having no progress?! Also not to mention at my routine dr apt he said I was 5cm and when he sent me to L&D; they said he was wrong and I was only 1cm. How do you get that big of a difference !!! So discouraging. I feel like this pregnancy will never end!