So me and my boyfriend like to send nudes and sometimes send videos just little teases. So I text him I'm getting in a shower. I was gonna send a nude video just cause I knew he was alone at his house playing Xbox. So i was like this is my opportunity to show him I can be sexy. SO I take this bomb ass video and send it only to see he opened it and replied with "You should've sent a warning so my dad wouldn't see πŸ˜‘" HIS FUXKING DAD SAW THAT VIDEO! I was like the fuck???? you didn't tell me you weren't alone! You literally just told me you were by yourself two seconds ago! And then not to add that I only send videos of myself to him on rare occasions and they are pretty much always nude. He texts me saying that his dad hopefully only saw my face. But you can definitely tell that I was in the shower! I HAVR NO IDEA HOW I CAN EVER SHOW MY FACE AT HIS HOUSE AGAIN!!! OH FUCKING HELL 😩😭