5 Mo. Old Waking at Night


My son started to sleep through the night at 2.5 months old. Although he went to sleep at different times at night he consistently slept all night long anywhere from 8-11 hours straight. At about 4.5 months old my husband and I noticed a strange cough/wheeze so we brought him to the doctor. They said it sounds like it might be croup so they want to treat it as croup and prescribed us some medicine for three days. That night he woke up twice during the night and again the next night. His pediatrician told us at his 4 month checkup not feed him if he ever woke at night now. So the day he was sick we waited about an hour of him being inconsolable before I gave in and fed him.

2 weeks later since he was sick he has some nights that he sleeps through the night and some when he wakes up. When he wakes up I try everything first before feeding him but it almost always ends up that way. Only once had he gone right back to sleep after waking and it we gave him some saline drops because he was congested.

I’m wondering why he is no longer sleeping through the night? Is it teething? Dreaming? Hunger? Reflux? Not napping enough during the day? Going to bed too late?

A few notes:

1. He gets congested often (maybe from dry heat in the house) and when he gets really upset and cries a lot he gets stuffed up very easily.

2. Although I have been breastfeeding since day 1, we have only been exclusively breastfeeding since he was 2.5 months. Pediatrician said to wait until 6 months before introducing baby food.

3. He just started turning over from back to tummy but hasn’t figured out how to go from tummy to back yet. I always put him on his back to sleep but for he past few days he turns himself on his side or tummy while he sleeps.

4. He was sleeping in his rock and play from the day we brought him home up until a few days ago (kept him in the rock n play while he was sick to help keep him upright). He started trying to turn over in it so I thought it was best to move him to his crib and play yard bassinet.

5. He usually takes 2-3 naps a day but sometimes can only manage to get 1. Goes to bed anywhere from 8:30-10pm. Bedtime routine consists of diaper change, getting into pj’s and eating.

Has anyone else gone through a similar situation? Please let me know any tips or advice you may have!