Is this the start of labor


The hubby and I finished the deed around 3 am and I started having contractions 2-4 minutes apart they were very intense. And I thought my water had broke(it didn’t)) we left for the hospital because my hospital is about 45 mins away. I got there and they checked to see if my water broke and it didn’t. And they monitored my contractions for about an hour and I swear as soon as they put the monitor on they stopped completely. And when she checked me again I hadn’t dilated or thinned out anymore. But they literally just had me laying in the bed. So they sent us home. I can back to town around 9 and went to sleep. I woke up a couple of times because of contractions and pressure. But I feel like the hospital won’t keep me unless I’m bleeding or my water broke. Which is really frustrating because I hear your second labor is much faster and like I said the hospital is 45 minutes away I’m not wanting to deliver on the way to the hospital or at home.