I need some serious life advice.

Katie • Lover of lipstick, pasta, and Paris.

Hi, all.

I need some serious input from various points of view.

I’m 25. I’ve been living in Europe for the past year. Before I left The States, I had a great group of friends in an amazing, fun city. I also have two young nephews with a third on the way. While I’ve truly enjoyed my time in Europe, I will be returning to my home city this summer for another year, mainly because I miss my friends, see them having lots of fun and taking lots of cool trips without me, and I’m missing my nephews growing up. I’m even gonna miss the birth of the third one.

Here’s my dilemma: While in Europe, I’ve been teaching Chinese children English online (best job EVER btw - I get to pick my own hours, wear pajama pants, and only work 4 hours a day for $20/hour!!!). It’s made me VERY much drawn towards teaching English in China. My original plan was to move to China this summer to teach, but I’ve now pushed it to next summer after I spend a year at home again.

Dilemma time. I’m worried to go to China, because this is the prime of my youth. I feel like I’ve already missed so much this past year at home and I’ll miss even more if I leave again. I’m worried my friends will marry off, stop going out on weekends, stop taking girls trips, have kids, etc. I’m worried my nephews are gonna grow up not knowing their Aunt. I’m worried my parents will pass away.

BUT I’M ALSO WORRIED I’ll never go to China (or teach in France, which is my complete ultimate goal). I know I can go later, but it’ll be so hard to uproot a life even later on life. It was hard enough last year. I’m a very adaptable and restless person, always looking for the next adventure. I’m in Ireland right now working at a bed and breakfast in the middle of nowhere! I worry if I return, I’ll become stuck and settle.

I’m so torn. Opinions?