Does he think I rejected him?

Ok so me and this guy have been following each other on Instagram for a couple months and he always likes my post (even the really old ones). So we were both at this party this past weekend but didn't know so when I posted about it he dm'd me asking if I were there. We have a mutual friend so he asked if I were there with my friend and if we were the same age, I said yea and that I was a senior then he said wassupp and how I was very cute with all the heart eye emojis., then said good morning. I responded with "lol nah but thank you, good morning" then he said "k" (5 hours ago). When I said nah I was saying that because he asked if me and my friend were the same age and we aren't, I said thank you to his compliment and I added a cute emoji. Why did he respond with k? Did he think I rejected him? How do I get him to text me again bc I really like him and I want to talk but I don't wanna look desperate.