Concerned ??


Estimating from the first day of my last period I should be about 4 weeks pregnant . Well, Sunday night my SO and I had sex and an hour or so later I got up to get food and I felt unbearable sharp stabbing pains in the middle of my abdomen and they didn’t let off for a good 5 hours (2 of those hours were spent rushing to the nearest hospital because I live in a small town 2 hours away from the closest city. I live in Alaska). Anyways, I’ve had absolutely no spotting the whole pregnancy so far and when I got my HGC levels tested it was at 60 and I’m supposed to be around 1000 but their pregnancy test said I was still pregnant. So that’s concerning . The doctor told me that I either i had a miscarriage a few days ago or I am way off on my calculations but im not I know for a fact when my period started . He told me togo in in a couple days (so tomorrow I’ll be going in ) to see if my levels rose . I’m so beyond worried. Has anyone gone through this or is experiencing it right now ? Please let me know your advice and story . I’m a first time mommy and I am beyond worried and stressed that I may lose my baby . Please help .. thank you ..