Thoughts??? 3 weeks or 7 weeks??

Meghan • Wife. Bonus Mommy. PCOS & Endometriosis. Emergency Room Tech. Nursing student.

Background: I have PCOS and endometriosis with 2 miscarriages/Angel babies

AF came Feb 3, 2018 as usual. Then March 1 AF came again (so I thought) but wasn't quite as heavy or as long as usual but I didn't think much of it. Sunday March 25, at work I was extremely bloated and had been dealing with some mild constipation for a couple of weeks which is completely unusual for me. But at work all of my coworkers were picking telling me I was pregnant my whole shift and I was like nahhhh I just need to poop 😩🙈 so leaving work that night I thought to myself well I'll just cover all of my bases and go get a test and a stool softener.....

I take the test and set it on the counter and finish my business and look over and I'm like...

Because it's super positive.

So of course I called my doctor yesterday because I'm considered high risk and go up there today.

In the past I don't pull even faint positive tests until I'm like 5-6 weeks. This showed up a week and a half before AF was due so I'm kinda thinking my March 1st period may have been implantation bleeding rather than AF but my doctor is treating it like I'm only 3 weeks not 7. Just wanted opinions!

Thanks in advance!