
So.. I had sex about 2 weeks before my period (not in the fertile window I checked) and we used a condom.. he didn’t even finish with sex we had to do other things. But anyway.. I’ve been having some back pain the past week and been a little emotional. I did JUST get off my period and I don’t think I am but I really just want to set my mind at ease.

Edit: I had my normal period for that month two weeks later but its come around again and this period is late. I’ve been having all the signs of a period coming but it isn’t here. I’ll edit again if it shows up.

Update: So.. I started my period today and then after doing some research think I might have had an early miscarriage. I don’t know for sure but it would make sense and all of my symptoms point to one. I talked ro a girl who had one at 4 months and she said I 100% had one in her mind. I’m not going to the doctor or talking to my parents about it. I talked to my boyfriend and we’ve decided not to have sex until both of us are graduated and living together.