Four Month Sleep Regression ...


Four Month Sleep Regression ...

So... you guys, this “regression” came out of no where for me, I guess I didn’t read past three months in the baby books. All of a sudden babe was waking up every 90 minutes. Most nights I ended up cosleeping with a boob out by 2am. Things got desperate. At one point after a rough night and a mimosa brunch on a Sunday (not recommended) i bounced the baby on the yoga ball at 2 pm crying and with a headache praying she’d take her first nap of the day and it would be longer than a thirty minute nap and that she’d stop fighting sleep so I could take a nap....

I was checking the wonder weeks app nightly double checking the days to the end of the leap we’re still slowly ticking down. And then last Monday (one day after the leap ended) after being put to bed at 6:15 Alexandra only woke up twice (1:15 & 4:30). A six hour stretch was unheard of before Monday 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 here’s what we did:

1. Magic sleep suit (she was in it for about 4 days previously - allows her to play with her hair to self sooth) she had been fighting her swaddle

2. Moved to her crib: unswaddledher arms were bumping against the walls of the bassinet and she kept playing with the mesh walls of her halo bassinet

3. Hatch baby nightlight for white noise: previously I was using an app on an old iPad.... which was ghetto and often cut in and out ... also in her room I needed a nightlight for feedings

4. Introduced a “lovey”: I bought a soft one since she seems to like playing with her hair...

We aren’t out of the woods... but I’m optimistic 🤞

We learned to roll tummy to back and sit independently during this leap ... I guess I can see why she had a hard time sleeping. She had a lot on her mind!

Moral of the story: there’s hope - you got this mamas 🤜🏻

Photos 1. Sunday not so funday... note the tears 😭

2. Sitting pretty today (Tuesday)

3. Rolling machine

4. Tonight at 6:15